Witnesses to Hope

Witnesses to Hope has traditionally been a bi-monthly event for women, consisting of a talk, followed by dessert and plenty of fellowship time.  (Recordings of the talks are all available here.) 

We are reviving Witnesses to Hope. It will be held at Christ the King Catholic Church. Hopefully it will be livestreamed, in which case, you will find the link here.  

Women of all ages are invited to join the Servants of God’s Love on Monday, Feb. 22, for Witnesses to Hope. We will meet in the Worship Space beginning at 7 pm. There will be a testimony by Sr. Lisa Zelfa, SGL, followed by Adoration and contemplative music until 8:30 pm. All women are welcome!

Co-sponsored by the Servants of God’s Love and Christ the King.

Click here for livestream.

6 thoughts on “Witnesses to Hope

  1. This was a hoot and very inspiring! I LOVE the Servants of God’s Love – each and every one of you. Thank you for a beautiful and adventurous evening. My friend Robin has hens and we seriously considered staying up all night grabbing the eggs as they were laid and separating them with a recycling suction thingy!

  2. What a wonderful night. It was my first visit, and I won the fantastic door-prize (first thing I’ve ever won) that I really love. Fantastic talk on the blessings of being in the desert – I have an entirely new way of looking at it and appreciating it. Thank you so much and God bless all of you.

    1. I’m so glad you were there, Kate. I’m only sorry that I didn’t get to speak with you at the dessert time. Make sure and introduce yourself to me the next time you see me.

  3. from a good friend:

    “Thanks for starting this great ministry of Witnesses to Hope at CTK…it was wonderful to see so many of my young friends there last night…I went to hear Sr. Ann tell me how much God loves me, and I wasn’t disappointed.”

What are your thoughts?